Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So, again, an update on my physical and mental health!

I went to the doc for my third follow up. Sleep apnea proved negative, I sleep and absorb more than enough oxygen during it. That was a relief!

I was placed on anxiety and ADHD meds, and while we are still working with some side effects from them, my anxiety medication was doubled since I was still having some rather drastic panic attacks.

My Ritalin dosing schedule was changed, and I was given a bit more freedom to take it how I needed, within a set of fairly strict guidelines. So far I'm doubling the dose, but taking both at once rather than spacing them out, and it seems to be working marvelously. I was very happy to see the doctor take into account my complaints with this and immediately offer a solution.

Provided the medication effects act as they should, I may or may not be following up with a psychiatrist or psychologist for therapy to help with a few of the issues. I may still even if they do, but that is something I want to wait to decide on until the medication is under control. I know now from my new job that just taking the pill doesn't solve the issues, it just pushes off the symptoms.

My memory is getting drastically better. Still having some odd and unexplained 'gaps' in time and memory (mini-black outs basically) but the doctor thinks they will get better the better worked out my medication becomes dosage/type/frequency wise.

My foot seems to have been fixed too, even better than years ago when I first broke it. The doctor gave me a series of injections this past monday in the base of my ankle/foot. It was a combo of lidocaine and a few other ingredients that induced inflammation and helped to numb it.

That hurt more than I can ever remember anything hurting in a good long while, and he even bent/dulled a needle on my foot! That put me out of commission most of Monday and Tuesday, but I woke up today feeling GREAT. I have movement capabilities I havent had in AGES, since before I broke it the first time back in sophmore year of highschool, which is going on 7-8 years ago!

The key with my foot is to remember it's not healed. Not YET. It's going to require some time, and pacing myself but also not using it as a crutch and not strengthening/pushing it. All in moderation and paced. Hopefully my progress will keep steady and improvement will continue and I will be back to normal.

I had the opportunity over the summer to work with a GREAT bunch of performers and get back into Renaissance Faires and meet so many great friends and reconnect with a great passion of mine I havent indulged in years. Sadly due to numerous issues, I wont be with that particular group anymore, but I hope to stay involved in the community I was introduced to, and keep all the friends I had begun to make and explore the talents I had discovered as well! I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to both The Jail and the Swords of Valour for their welcome into their encampment and all the memories!

Not much work done on the 40k front, primarily because i've been out of a job, but I will be back to them soon-ish, once the house is cleaned! I'll blog more another day about the new job and such, but for now, that's all I got in me folks!
